3E world school with 110 years of cumulative academic & technology excellence and proven track record on school establishments, here we are to ensure progressive growth and build futuristic schools with World class facilities to ensure we give one of the best skill provided academic excellence curriculum based on the Student Centric education according to CBSE pattern. Our Technology enabled platform delivers school Offline, Online, Blended and Hybrid models.
-Sports- Technology-Academia focuses on the overall development of the students. Our K12 – 3E World School Project is the future of Education. The students studying with us STAND OUT and be the genius in our society.
Our Curriculum “TEL” is also beneficial for gifted students, professional, athletes and slow learners as the students can decide the pace.
Main focus:
- To establish Multipurpose Social & Academic Schools with world class facilities.
- To buy out existing schools and make it profitable
Our Methodology
- Animation with Thematic Approach
- World class latest Technology practices using Robotics, AI & STEaM, KAI's
- Using Multiple Intelligence factors
- Student Centric Teaching Practices
- Indulging Creativity on learning style of student
- Innovative project based learning

3E World School stands with an aspiration to create an eco-system for inspired learning. As a School we want to groom young people as caring hearts and inspiring minds with respect for human values and the home planet whose knowledge will be a natural coincidence and a lot of enhanced learning.
How do we do it?
Bring in a change in the outlook of our Society.
Our society is looking at schools through a different lens!
We are here to change the mind set for the betterment of students Fraternity.
If schools have to just teach skills for livelihood who will teach human values? 3E World School is here to do teach the human values with skill development training.
We are a society who has the responsibility of generating values and life skills.
With uniformity in objectives, clothes, timings and tasks it is only a school who has the privilege and responsibility of value generation.
With that conviction we the 3E World School TEAM is here to impart the required knowledge according to what the students want to learn.